Ya i have been to the Hanns. Each can have a different refresh rate, color depth, and resolution for optimum display on each device. For example, two devices can be driven independently with different content, resolutions, and color depth to increase desktop space. This action does not affect the view on the larger screen, which stays the same regardless of the activity of the smaller panned screen. Anyone else have an idea? Are you looking for the solution to your computer problem? You must log in or register to reply here.
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JamesHuf99Jan 5, No, create an account now.

Join overother people just like you! We appreciate all feedback, but cannot reply or give product support. The output options are listed. While in the zoomed-in area of the smaller screen, the cursor acts as normal.

Desperatly Need Help With Dual Desktop Monitor

Are you looking for the solution to your computer problem? This action does not affect the view on the larger screen, which stays the hcipset regardless of the activity of the smaller panned screen.

Display options as seen on the Windows XP Chipsef. Discussion in ' Hardware ' started by bsrodriguez67Jan 4, Thanks d3aths3rver, I have got from what I believe to be the latest and to date drivers from intel.

You may also run into video memory issues.

Frequently Asked Questions about Multiple Displays for Older IntelĀ®

It depends on the precise implementation by the system or motherboard manufacturer, so you should reference their configuration documentation, even if it's for Windows XP or Vista. It does not act as an extended screen.

Yes, my password is: Thread starter wicked69ng Start date Nov 22, Click or the topic for details: The one on the left is an ultra-small, the middle is a small form factor, chupset the itel is a standard mini tower. You should make sure that memory allocation is as high as possible. Please type your message and try again. You can not post a blank message. Support Home Graphics Drivers. This is a computer translation of the original content. RonanErudon Aug 20, You must log in or register to reply here.

Please turn JavaScript back on and reload this page. The view on the smaller screen is tied to mouse cursor movement. I currently have two monitors. A discription of my problem is as follows with hardware discriptions to follow after that. Right-click the Desktop to access the Exprss Options menu. I have an older HPnot sure which model and I am running Windows 7.

Searching around, some people have needed to get another card, some people are using a DisplayPort and VGA just fine not sure if your system even has a DisplayPort portand some people have said they've used a splitter although they might already have a second video card Can provide screen shots of anything needed to help with this.

However most of the time when Chipwet resume from sleep the chipset only sees one monitor. For example, two devices can be driven independently with different content, resolutions, and color depth to increase desktop space. So the only way of achieving what I want is to buy a new video card?

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